Thinking Out Loud

December 21, 2018

Find Database Growth Using OEM Repository

Filed under: 12.2,oracle — mdinh @ 2:20 pm

Typically, what as been done is to schedule job for each database to collect database growth.

This may be problematic as it can be forgotten when new databases are created versus the likelihood of forgetting to add database to monitoring for OEM.

EM12c, EM13c : Querying the Repository Database for Building Reports using Metric Information (Doc ID 2347253.1)

Those raw data are inserted in various tables like EM_METRIC_VALUES for example. 
EM aggregates those management data by hour and by day. 
Those raw data are kept 7 days; the one hour aggregated data are kept 31 days, while one day aggregated data are kept one year.

How to obtain the Historical Database Total Used and Allocated Size from OEM Repository

The above blog post provided a good starting point.

This post is using query to collect database size (metric_name=’DATABASE_SIZE’) vs tablespace size (metric_name=’tbspAllocation’) to avoid having to sum all tablespaces to determine database size.

OMS: 13.2.0 and EMREP DB: 12.2.0

Comparison for METRIC_COLUMN between DATABASE_SIZE and tbspAllocation.

For tbspAllocation, the size was not clear and did not research further but it does appear to be GB.

SQL> select distinct metric_name, METRIC_COLUMN from sysman.mgmt$metric_daily where metric_name='tbspAllocation' order by 1;

METRIC_NAME                                                      METRIC_COLUMN
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
tbspAllocation                                                   spaceUsed
tbspAllocation                                                   spaceAllocated

SQL> select distinct METRIC_COLUMN from sysman.mgmt$metric_daily WHERE metric_name='DATABASE_SIZE';


TARGET_TYPE used (not all results presented):

SQL> select distinct target_type from sysman.mgmt$metric_daily order by 1;


METRIC_NAME used (not all results presented):

SQL> select distinct metric_name from sysman.mgmt$metric_daily order by 1;



SQL> @dbsize.sql
SQL> -- Michael Dinh : Dec 20, 2018
SQL> set echo off
Enter value for 1: perf

-------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------- ------- ------------ -------------- ------------
xxxxperf                                           rac_database    01-MAR-18  2698.6       3526.8
                                                   rac_database    01-APR-18  2709.9       3526.8         2698.6        11.31
                                                   rac_database    01-MAY-18  2728.8       3526.8         2709.9        18.86
                                                   rac_database    01-JUN-18  2735.4       3548.8         2728.8         6.61
                                                   rac_database    01-JUL-18  2746.4       3548.8         2735.4        11.01
                                                   rac_database    01-AUG-18  2758.7       3548.8         2746.4        12.27
                                                   rac_database    01-SEP-18  2772.5       3548.8         2758.7        13.82
                                                   rac_database    01-OCT-18  4888.8       6207.8         2772.5       2116.3
                                                   rac_database    01-NOV-18  4647.8       6207.8         4888.8         -241
                                                   rac_database    01-DEC-18  3383.2       6207.8         4647.8        -1265
yyyyperf                                           oracle_database 01-MAR-18   63.07       395.58
                                                   oracle_database 01-APR-18   63.19       395.58          63.07          .12
                                                   oracle_database 01-MAY-18   64.33       395.58          63.19         1.14
                                                   oracle_database 01-JUN-18   64.81       395.58          64.33          .48
                                                   oracle_database 01-JUL-18    65.1       395.58          64.81          .29
                                                   oracle_database 01-AUG-18   65.22       395.58           65.1          .12
                                                   oracle_database 01-SEP-18   65.79       395.58          65.22          .57
                                                   oracle_database 01-OCT-18   68.18       395.58          65.79         2.39
                                                   oracle_database 01-NOV-18   75.79       395.72          68.18         7.61
                                                   oracle_database 01-DEC-18    80.4       395.72          75.79         4.61

29 rows selected.

SQL> @dbsize
SQL> -- Michael Dinh : Dec 20, 2018
SQL> set echo off
Enter value for 1: *

-------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------- ------- ------------ -------------- ------------
CDByyyy_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_CDBROOT         oracle_pdb      01-MAR-18    7.96        94.73
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-APR-18    3.44        94.73           7.96        -4.52
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-MAY-18   12.26        95.07           3.44         8.82
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-JUN-18   76.18        95.12          12.26        63.92
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-JUL-18   70.87        95.15          76.18        -5.31
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-AUG-18   77.63        95.15          70.87         6.76
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-SEP-18     4.9        95.15          77.63       -72.73
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-OCT-18       4        95.15            4.9          -.9
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-NOV-18   41.34        95.15              4        37.34
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-DEC-18   33.52        95.15          41.34        -7.82
CDByyyy_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxPDB        oracle_pdb      01-MAR-18  1610.6         2571
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-APR-18  1644.9         2571         1610.6        34.27
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-MAY-18  1659.3       2571.3         1644.9        14.43
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-JUN-18  1694.7       2571.4         1659.3        35.32
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-JUL-18  1753.8       2571.4         1694.7        59.18
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-AUG-18  1827.9       2571.4         1753.8        74.06
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-SEP-18  1900.8       2571.4         1827.9        72.91
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-OCT-18  1977.2       2571.4         1900.8        76.43
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-NOV-18  2044.8       2571.4         1977.2         67.6
                                                   oracle_pdb      01-DEC-18  2144.5       2571.4         2044.8        99.64


set line 200 verify off trimspool off tab off pages 1000 numw 6 echo on
-- Michael Dinh : Dec 20, 2018
set echo off
How to obtain the Historical Database Total Used and Allocated Size from OEM Repository

How to obtain the Historical Database Total Used and Allocated Size from OEM Repository

col target_name for a50
col target_type for a15
undefine 1
break on target_name
WITH dbsz AS (
target_name, target_type, month_dt,
SUM(DECODE(metric_column, 'USED_GB', maximum)) used_gb,
SUM(DECODE(metric_column, 'ALLOCATED_GB', maximum)) allocated_gb
SELECT target_name, target_type, trunc(rollup_timestamp,'MONTH') month_dt, metric_column, MAX(maximum) maximum
FROM sysman.mgmt$metric_daily
WHERE target_type IN ('rac_database','oracle_database','oracle_pdb')
AND metric_name = 'DATABASE_SIZE'
AND metric_column IN ('ALLOCATED_GB','USED_GB')
AND REGEXP_LIKE(target_name,'&&1','i')
GROUP BY target_name, target_type, trunc(rollup_timestamp,'MONTH'), metric_column
GROUP BY target_name, target_type, month_dt
ORDER BY target_name, month_dt
SELECT target_name, target_type, month_dt, used_gb, allocated_gb,
LAG(used_gb,1) OVER (PARTITION BY target_name ORDER BY target_name) previous_month,
used_gb-LAG(used_gb,1) OVER (PARTITION BY target_name ORDER BY target_name) diff_used_gb
FROM dbsz
ORDER BY target_name, month_dt


SQL> @dbsize.sql xxxprod
SQL> -- Michael Dinh : Dec 20, 2018
SQL> set echo off

-------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------- ------- ------------ -------------- ------------
xxxprod                                            rac_database    31-MAR-18   333.2       704.42
                                                   rac_database    30-APR-18  336.65       704.42          333.2         3.45
                                                   rac_database    31-MAY-18  350.48       704.42         336.65        13.83
                                                   rac_database    30-JUN-18  423.47        714.1         350.48        72.99
                                                   rac_database    31-JUL-18  397.42        714.1         423.47       -26.05
                                                   rac_database    31-AUG-18  415.61        714.1         397.42        18.19
                                                   rac_database    30-SEP-18   417.2       714.69         415.61         1.59
                                                   rac_database    31-OCT-18  421.04       714.69          417.2         3.84
                                                   rac_database    30-NOV-18  425.35       715.37         421.04         4.31
                                                   rac_database    20-DEC-18  428.44       723.11         425.35         3.09

10 rows selected.

SQL> !cat dbsize.sql

SQL> !cat dbsize.sql
set line 200 verify off trimspool off tab off pages 1000 numw 6 echo on
-- Michael Dinh : Dec 20, 2018
set echo off
How to obtain the Historical Database Total Used and Allocated Size from OEM Repository

How to obtain the Historical Database Total Used and Allocated Size from OEM Repository

col target_name for a50
col target_type for a15
break on target_name
WITH dbsz AS (
target_name, target_type, month_dt,
SUM(DECODE(metric_column, 'USED_GB', maximum)) used_gb,
SUM(DECODE(metric_column, 'ALLOCATED_GB', maximum)) allocated_gb
-- This shows LATEST date of month
SELECT target_name, target_type, MAX(rollup_timestamp) month_dt, metric_column, MAX(maximum) maximum
-- This shows FIRST date of month
-- SELECT target_name, target_type, TRUNC(rollup_timestamp,'MONTH') month_dt, metric_column, MAX(maximum) maximum
FROM sysman.mgmt$metric_daily
WHERE target_type IN ('rac_database','oracle_database','oracle_pdb')
AND metric_name = 'DATABASE_SIZE'
AND metric_column IN ('ALLOCATED_GB','USED_GB')
AND REGEXP_LIKE(target_name,'&1','i')
GROUP BY target_name, target_type, TRUNC(rollup_timestamp,'MONTH'), metric_column
GROUP BY target_name, target_type, month_dt
-- ORDER BY target_name, month_dt
SELECT target_name, target_type, month_dt, used_gb, allocated_gb,
LAG(used_gb,1) OVER (PARTITION BY target_name ORDER BY target_name) previous_month,
used_gb-LAG(used_gb,1) OVER (PARTITION BY target_name ORDER BY target_name) diff_used_gb
FROM dbsz
ORDER BY target_name, month_dt
undefine 1

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