Thinking Out Loud

October 22, 2020

When Upgrading DB Don’t Trust Doc Alone

Filed under: 19c,upgrade — mdinh @ 12:18 am

What’s up Doc!

So there I was, reading documentation and planning upgrade but still not perfect.

DBUA Command-Line Syntax for Active and Silent Mode

changeUserTablespacesReadOnly does not show from help but exists in documenation.


$ which dbua

$ dbua -help
Usage: dbua [<flag>] [<option>]
Following are the possible flags:
-createPartialBackup – Flag to create a new offline partial RMAN backup by setting the user tablespaces in R/O mode.
-disableParallelUpgrade – Flag to disable the parallel execution of database upgrade.
-executePreReqs – Flag to execute the pre-upgrade checks alone for the specified database.
-sid | -dbName
-help – Shows this usage help.
-ignorePreReqs – Ignore error conditions in pre-upgrade checks.
-keepEvents – Flag to keep the configured database events during upgrade.
-silent – This flag allows you to carry on configuration in silent mode.
-sid | -dbName
-skipListenersMigration – Flag to skip the listener migration process as part of the database upgrade.

Following are the possible options:
[-asmsnmpPassword – <Specify ASMSNMP user password>]
[-backupLocation – <Specify directory to backup your database before starting the upgrade>]
[-createGRP – <true | false> To create a guaranteed restore point when database is in archive log and flashback mode.]
[-createListener – <true | false> To create a listener in newer release Oracle home specify listenrName:lsnrPort.]
[-dbName – <Specify Database Name>]
[-oracleHome – <Specify the Oracle home path of the database>]
[-sysDBAUserName – <User name with SYSDBA privileges>]
[-sysDBAPassword – <Password for sysDBAUserName user name>]
[-dbsnmpPassword – <Specify DBSNMP user password>]
[-disableUpgradeScriptLogging – <true | false> This command disables the detailed log generation for running SQL scripts during the upgrade process. By default this is enabled. To enable the log generation, don’t specify this command.]
[-emConfiguration – <DBEXPRESS | CENTRAL | BOTH | NONE>]
[-dbsnmpPassword – <Specify DBSNMP user password>]
[-emPassword – <Specify EM admin user password>]
[-emUser – <Specify EM admin username to add or modify targets>]
[-emExpressPort – <Specify the port where EM Express will be configured>]
[-omsHost – <Specify EM management server host name>]
[-omsPort – <Specify EM management server port number>]
[-asmsnmpPassword – <Specify ASMSNMP user password>]
[-ignoreScriptErrors – <true | false> Specify this flag for ignoring ORA errors during custom scripts.]
[-initParam – <Specify a comma separated list of initialization parameter values of the format name=value,name=value>]
[-initParamsEscapeChar – <Specify escape character for comma when a specific initParam has multiple values. If the escape character is not specified backslash is the default escape character>]
[-excludeInitParams – <Specify a comma separated list of initialization parameters to be excluded.>]
[-keepDeprecatedParams – <true | false> To retain deprecated parameters during database upgrade.]
[-localListenerWithoutAlias – To set LOCAL_LISTENER without TNS Alias.]
[-listeners – <To register the database with existing listeners, specify listeners by comma separated listenerName:Oracle Home. Listeners from lower release home are migrated to newer release home. Specifying -listeners lsnrName1,lsnrName2 or -listeners lsnrName1:<Oracle home path>,-listeners lsnrName2:<Oracle home path>, DBUA searches specified listeners from GI home (if configured), target home and source home>]
[-localRacSid – <Specify the local System Identifier of the cluster database if the cluster database is not registered in OCR>]
[-logDir – <Specify the path to a custom log directory>]
[-newGlobalDbName – <Specify New Global Database Name. This option can only be used for Oracle Express Edition upgrade>]
[-newSid – <Specify New System Identifier. This option can only be used for Oracle Express Edition upgrades>]
[-newInitParam – <Specify a comma separated list of initialization parameter values of the format name=value,name=value. Use this option to specify parameters that are allowed only on the target Oracle home>]
[-initParamsEscapeChar – <Specify escape character for comma when a specific initParam has multiple values. If the escape character is not specified backslash is the default escape character>]
[-oracleHomeUserPassword – <Specify Oracle Home user password>]
[-pdbs – <Specify a comma separated list with the names of the pluggable databases (PDB) that will be upgraded. Specify ALL to select all or NONE to select none of the pluggable databases for upgrade>]
-sid | -dbName
-sid – <Specify System Identifier>
[-oracleHome – <Specify the Oracle home path of the database>]
[-sysDBAUserName – <User name with SYSDBA privileges>]
[-sysDBAPassword – <Password for sysDBAUserName user name>]
-dbName – <Specify Database Name>
[-oracleHome – <Specify the Oracle home path of the database>]
[-sysDBAUserName – <User name with SYSDBA privileges>]
[-sysDBAPassword – <Password for sysDBAUserName user name>]
[-pdbsWithPriority – <Specify a comma separated list of pluggable databases (PDB) to be upgraded along with its corresponding priorities (being 1 the top priority) of the format <pdb name>:<upgrade priority>,<pdb name>:<upgrade priority> >]
-sid | -dbName
-sid – <Specify System Identifier>
[-oracleHome – <Specify the Oracle home path of the database>]
[-sysDBAUserName – <User name with SYSDBA privileges>]
[-sysDBAPassword – <Password for sysDBAUserName user name>]
-dbName – <Specify Database Name>
[-oracleHome – <Specify the Oracle home path of the database>]
[-sysDBAUserName – <User name with SYSDBA privileges>]
[-sysDBAPassword – <Password for sysDBAUserName user name>]
[-performFixUp – <true | false> Enable or disable fix ups for the silent upgrade mode.]
[-postUpgradeScripts – <Specify a comma separated list of SQL scripts with their complete pathnames. These scripts will be executed at the end of the upgrade>]
[-preUpgradeScripts – <Specify a comma separated list of SQL scripts with their complete pathnames. These scripts will be executed before the upgrade>]
[-recompile_invalid_objects – <true | false> Recompile invalid objects as part of the upgrade.]
[-upgrade_parallelism – <Specify number of CPU’s to be used for parallel upgrade>]
[-upgradeTimezone – <true | false> Upgrade the timezone files of the database.]
[-upgradeXML – <Specify the path to the existing pre-upgrade XML file> This option only applies to in-place database upgrades.]
[-useExistingBackup – <true | false> To restore database using existing RMAN backup.]
[-useGRP – <Specify the name of the existing guaranteed restore point> To restore the database using a specified guaranteed restore point.]


Even when -createListener show as valid syntax, using -createListener is not recognized.
$ cat

/app/product/ -silent \
-sid db01 \
-oracleHome /app/product/ \
-useGRP upgrade19c \
-recompile_invalid_objects TRUE \
-upgradeTimezone TRUE \
-emConfiguration NONE \
-skipListenersMigration \
-createListener false \  --- failed
-upgrade_parallelism 8

./ line 10: -createListener: command not found
This works.
/app/product/ -silent -sid db01 -skipListenersMigration -oracleHome /app/product/ -recompile_invalid_objects true -upgradeTimezone true -emConfiguration NONE -upgrade_parallelism 4 -createListener false

What am i missing?

Hopefully, you will have better luck than I did.

Update: there as a space from line above thanks to

$ grep -r '[[:blank:]]$'
-skipListenersMigration \

$ grep -r '[[:blank:]]$' | wc -l

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