Thinking Out Loud

May 29, 2024

Patch Nomenclature for Oracle Products

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdinh @ 5:12 am

Interim Patch:
A patch containing one or more fixes made available to customers who cannot wait until the next patch set or new product release to get a fix.

Bundle Patch (BP):
An iterative, cumulative patch that is issued between patch sets. Bundle patches usually include only fixes, but some may include minor enhancements.

Patch Set Update (PSU):
A quarterly patch that contains the most critical fixes for the applicable product, allowing customers to apply one patch to avoid many problems.
These will be documented in My Oracle Support documents and initially released from the Critical Patch Update program.

Security Patch Update (SPU):
An iterative, cumulative patch consisting of security fixes. Formerly known as Critical Patch Update.

Reference (Doc ID 1430923.1) retrieved on May 28, 2024

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